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TIPS = ["GDB's `apropos <topic>` command displays all registered commands that are related to the given <topic>", "GDB's `follow-fork-mode` parameter can be used to set whether to trace parent or child after fork() calls. Pwndbg sets it to child by default", 'Use GDB\'s `dprintf` command to print all calls to given function. E.g. `dprintf malloc, "malloc(%p)\\n", (void*)$rdi` will print all malloc calls', "Use GDB's `pi` command to run an interactive Python console where you can use Pwndbg APIs like `, len)`, `pwndbg.aglib.memory.write(addr, data)`, `pwndbg.aglib.vmmap.get()` and so on!", "GDB's `set directories <path>` parameter can be used to debug e.g. glibc sources like the malloc/free functions!", "If you have debugging symbols the `info args` command shows current frame's function arguments (use `up` and `down` to switch between frames)", 'Calling functions like `call (void)puts("hello world")` will run all other target threads for the time the function runs. Use `set scheduler-locking on` to lock the execution to current thread when calling functions', 'Use the `pipe <cmd> | <prog>` command to pass output of a GDB/Pwndbg command to a shell program, e.g. `pipe elfsections | grep bss`. This can also be shortened to: `| <cmd> | <prog>`', 'If you want Pwndbg to clear screen on each command (but still save previous output in history) use `set context-clear-screen on`', 'The `set show-flags on` setting will display CPU flags register in the regs context panel', 'GDB and Pwndbg parameters can be shown or set with `show <param>` and `set <param> <value>` GDB commands', "Use Pwndbg's `config` and `theme` commands to tune its configuration and theme colors!", 'Pwndbg mirrors some of Windbg commands like `eq`, `ew`, `ed`, `eb`, `es`, `dq`, `dw`, `dd`, `db`, `ds` for writing and reading memory', 'Pwndbg resolves kernel memory maps by parsing page tables (default) or via `monitor info mem` QEMU gdbstub command (use `set kernel-vmmap-via-page-tables off` for that)', "Use the `vmmap` command for a better & colored memory maps display (than the GDB's `info proc mappings`)", 'Use the `telescope` command to dereference a given address/pointer multiple times (if the dereferenced value is a valid ptr; see `config telescope` to configure its behavior)', 'Use the `context` (or `ctx`) command to display the context once again. You can reconfigure the context layout with `set context-section <sections>` or forward the output to a file/tty via `set context-output <file>`. See also `config context` to configure it further!', "Disable Pwndbg context information display with `set context-sections ''`", 'Pwndbg context displays where the program branches to thanks to emulating few instructions into the future. You can disable this with `set emulate off` which may also speed up debugging', 'Use the `canary` command to see all stack canary/cookie values on the stack (based on the *usual* stack canary value initialized by glibc)', "Use the `procinfo` command for better process introspection (than the GDB's `info proc` command)", 'Want to display each context panel in a separate tmux window? See', 'Use `$base("heap")` to get the start address of a [heap] memory page', 'Use the `errno` (or `errno <number>`) command to see the name of the last or provided (libc) error', 'Pwndbg sets the SIGLARM, SIGBUS, SIGPIPE and SIGSEGV signals so they are not passed to the app; see `info signals` for full GDB signals configuration', 'Use `vmmap -A|-B <number> <filter>` to display <number> of maps after/before filtered ones', 'Use the `killall` command to kill all specified threads (via their ids)', 'Use the `spray` command to spray memory with cyclic pattern or specified value', "Use `patch <address> '<assembly>'` to patch an address with given assembly code", "Want to NOP some instructions? Use `patch <address> 'nop; nop; nop'`", '`heap_config` shows heap related configuration', '`break-if-taken` and `break-if-not-taken` commands sets breakpoints after a given jump instruction was taken or not', '`stepuntilasm <assembly-instruction [operands]>` steps program forward until matching instruction occures', 'Use `plist` command to dump elements of linked list', 'If your program has multiple threads they will be displayed in the context display or using the `context threads` command', 'Use `track-got enable|info|query` to track GOT accesses - useful for hijacking control flow via writable GOT/PLT', 'Need to `mmap` or `mprotect` memory in the debugee? Use commands with the same name to inject and run such syscalls', 'Use `hi` to see if a an address belongs to a glibc heap chunk', 'Use `contextprev` and `contextnext` to display a previous context output again without scrolling', 'Try splitting the context output into multiple TUI windows using `layout pwndbg` (`tui disable` or `ctrl-x + a` to go back to CLI mode)'] module-attribute

