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VALID_CHARS = list(map(ord, set(printable) - set('\t\r\n\x0c\x0b'))) module-attribute

group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() module-attribute

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Shows heap related configuration.') module-attribute

try_free_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check what would happen if free was called with given address.') module-attribute


Print the contents of an arena, default to the current thread's arena.


Lists this process's arenas.



Returns all potential bin labels for all potential addresses We precompute all of them because doing this on demand was too slow and inefficient See #1675 for more details

bins(addr=None, tcache_addr=None)

Print the contents of all an arena's bins and a thread's tcache, default to the current thread's arena and tcache.

fastbins(addr=None, verbose=False)

Print the contents of an arena's fastbins, default to the current thread's arena.

find_fake_fast(target_address, max_candidate_size=None, align=False, glibc_fastbin_bug=False, partial_overwrite=False)

Find candidate fake fast chunks overlapping the specified address.

format_bin(bins, verbose=False, offset=None)

heap(addr=None, verbose=False, simple=False)

Iteratively print chunks on a heap, default to the current thread's active heap.


hi(addr, verbose=False, simple=False, fake=False)

largebins(addr=None, verbose=False)

Print the contents of an arena's largebins, default to the current thread's arena.

malloc_chunk(addr, fake=False, verbose=False, simple=False, next=0, dump=False)

Print a malloc_chunk struct's contents.


Print the mp_ struct's contents.




Read a chunk's metadata.

smallbins(addr=None, verbose=False)

Print the contents of an arena's smallbins, default to the current thread's arena.


Print a thread's tcache contents, default to the current thread's tcache.

tcachebins(addr=None, verbose=False)

Print the contents of a tcache, default to the current thread's tcache.


Print relevant information about an arena's top chunk, default to the current thread's arena.


unsortedbin(addr=None, verbose=False)

Print the contents of an arena's unsortedbin, default to the current thread's arena.

vis_heap_chunks(addr=None, count=None, beyond_top=False, no_truncate=False, all_chunks=False)

Visualize chunks on a heap, default to the current arena's active heap.